Wednesday, 11 February 2009

Moby Dick & Dubious Book Choices

This post is only tangentially related to Moby Dick but I thought it deserved another mention anyway. It wasn't an enormously popular choice. The reason for this is alluded to in a previous post. For some, it felt like school work. It’s a mistake made and a lesson learned (if you excuse the "pun")

What I'm labouring ( shambling?) toward is this. We’ve all brought along a turkey. And the appropriate response? Hands up. Own up. Move on. Love the sinner. Hate the sin. (I could go on and on… )

A defence of unorthodox book choices? Kind of. There’s no harm in the odd curve-ball - We should all be allowed the occasional indiscretion.

In fact it’s probably necessary. An unremitting diet of masterworks would probably be like the episode “Nice Place To Visit” from The Twilight Zone. As “The Bard Of Barking”, Billy Bragg said “I like toast just as much as anyone but not for breakfast, dinner and tea”

1 comment:

  1. I am slightly ashamed of the fact that I did not (and have **STILL** not) completed Moby Dick. I found all of the factual stuff about the whaling industry and how to kill a whale very hard going.
