Monday, 2 February 2009

Kavalier & Clay

Well, it was my turn to choose the book this time. I was originally going to get a popular science book (The Tiger That Isn't by Blastland or Dilnot, or maybe The Code Book by Simon Singh. I would have bought the excellent Bad Science by Ben Goldacre, but suspected others may have read it), but in the end I went for "Kavalier & Clay" by Michael Chabon.

It is set during World War 2, and is about 2 cousins who work in the newly emerging world of comic books. So far (up to page 260) I am enjoying it a lot - though in our book group we aren't really supposed to reveal what we think about a book until we meet up to discuss it.

The way our group works is that one person buys a copy of the chosen book for all 5 members, and then when we meet up 6 weeks later, he also buys the meal. On subsequent meets (when it is not your turn to buy either book or meal), it feels like you are getting a free meal and a free book. Of course, I know it is prepaid.....

1 comment:

  1. Kavalier and Clay - wasn't this a big hit for Unit 4 + 2 in the mid 1960s?
