Saturday, 15 August 2009

Sad Holiday Reads

My all time top five sad/pompous holiday reads have to be:

The Poetics of Space - Gaston Bachelard
The Phenomenology of Perception - Maurice Merleau-Ponty
Oneself as Another - Paul Ricoeur
The Architectural Uncanny - Anthony Vidler
The Principle Of Hope (Volume One) - Ernst Bloch

The laughter never stops on my holidays......


  1. You were odds on favourite to win this one ( in a good way). I was holding back Henri Lefebvre "The Production Of Space" as my trump card but you've aced me. Looks like the "Sad and Pompous Read" title is in the bag. That just leaves Sad and Pompous Reader up for grabs. Any takers?

  2. Not a contender, I'm afraid. I rarely get to read much on holiday, but on a few occasions I had to take (and complete) a stupid amount of work for my MSc with me - not very popular!
